Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Soma Pain Killer

Soma is a Generic Drug available in powder form used to cure a person experiencing muscle spasms. However, it has since been banned from some nation's markets, including Sweden as a result of the dependency problems it tends to cause to the patients. It's sold under the brand names carisoprodol and sanoma in Britain. Soma blocks signals responsible for pain-sensation in the brain-nerve transit. This is used with a combination of physio-therapy for treatment of injuries.

The drug has been on debate recently with its cause of dependency on the majority of patients to whom it has been described, it has therefore been labeled thus and significant efforts have been taken to control its use. With its frequent contact of the neural system, Soma makes the patient quite prone to paralysis as well as a causing a whole range of other bad side effects. These include irregularly high heart-beat rates, losing co-ordination, experiencing seizures and loss of vision. Since the drug is essentially a hallucinogen, the respective states have since made effort to put up legislation that outlaws their use without prescription.

Being quite a sensitive drug, the patient is required to make known all the information that concerns the health, including any drugs currently in their possession that might have been bought without prescription. This is because any negative reaction with the patient's current state may cause severe discomfort without the doctor's knowledge. It is also important to get as much information on the drug as possible since misinformation may cost you your health. Therefore, make good use the expertise of your pharmacist as well as any other information portal that you may access.

While administering the drug, the patient to whom it has been prescribed should not indulge in any sharing and should keep to the regular schedule as instructed by the physician. Since it is habit forming, the patient may have withdrawal signs once they have completed their prescription and it is therefore not advisable to stop its intake abruptly. If at all the patient feels a need for this, they should talk to their doctor first who will then advise them accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Soma makes the patient quite prone to paralysis as well as a causing a whole range of other bad side effects. These include irregularly high heart-beat rates, losing co-ordination, experiencing seizures and loss of vision. Since the drug is essentially a hallucinogen, the respective states have since made effort to put up legislation that outlaws their use without prescription.

    r4i karte
